É Bué Fixe Ser Fixe Online
É Bué Fixe Ser Fixe Online,
roughly translated to "It's Super Cool to Be Cool Online",
it's an educational game targeting Portuguese children between the ages of 8 and 10.
Netiquette is an important topic, and our goal is to show kids how being cool online can be cool!
It came together as a result of the Hackathon in Digital Communication and Literacy promoted EUGLOH and U.Porto.
Whether you want to learn more about the project or just play the game, you've come to the right place!
Vamos Começar! (Let's Get Started!)
(Please note that currently the game is only in Portuguese and only optimized for playing on a desktop browser)
Meet the Team
- Catarina Marques - Psychologist
- Henrique Diogo Silva - System's Designer
- Luís Trigo - Digital Humanist
- Miguel Correia - Educologist
- Carolina Quirino - UI&UX Designer